Going somewhere?
WRH: Safety proposal: shock-bracelets controlled by flight attendants.
Lamperd, a "firearm training system" company, has patented a bracelet that delivers debilitating shocks when remotely triggered. Their killer app for this is aviation safety: they're proposing that the TSA could force everyone who flies to wear one of these and then flight-attendants could zap us into a stupor if we turn out to be Al Quaeda.
Tourism to the US is already in the trash because of the abusive practices of TSA, the fondled wives and daughters, the strip searches, the busted laptops...
And now this bozo wants to tell visitors to our nation they have to wear a portable taser which, if triggered, might kill them? Oh yeah, I can see the tourists lining up to visit us NOW!
Aloha Airlines just declared bankruptcy. Who will be next? full article